
Showing posts from June, 2021

Fork in Chess

The Wiki pedia Definition: In chess, a fork is a tactic whereby a single piece makes two or more direct attacks simultaneously. Most commonly two pieces are threatened, which is also sometimes called a double attack. The attacker usually aims to gain material by capturing one of the opponent's pieces. In other words,Fork is a kind of Double attack against two or more targets at the same time. In the following example it is White to move first. White plays Rf7+(sse the position below)giveing check to king and palnning a beautiful fork in next move Let's say Black King goes to g6 square playing Kg6 then here comes Rb7! by white forking two Bishops on B-File(see diagram below) Let's take another example with white to move again. White applies a beautiful combination Qxf7!!. Now Black is forced to capture else checkmate is unstoppable. ..Rxf7